نماذج الإختبارات

VMware Spring Professional :2020/2021 الاختبار التجريبي 8


العربية الإنجليزية الفرنسية اليابانية

VMware Spring Professional 2020/2021
الرقم الرمزي للإختبار: EDU-1202
المدة الزمنية: 90 دقيقة
Spring Certified ProfessionalPivotal Spring Professional v5.0

VMware Spring Professional: EDU-1202: Free 2020 Mock Exam 8
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معلومات عامة

المرجو ملء الإستمارة، لتسلم النتائج عبر البريد الإلكتروني

نموذج الإختبار (50 سؤال)

1) The purpose of HandlerMapping implementations is to map incoming requests to the appropriate handlers and a list of pre- and post-processor interceptors. Is this statement true ? *
2) What is the Minimum Java version need for Spring boot ? (Choose one) *
3) Which one is the highest database system isolation level ? (Choose one) *
4) Which of the following is true about Spring AOP proxies ? (Choose one) *
5) In which of these transaction isolation levels can non-repeatable reads occur ? (Choose all that apply) *
6) Which of these are Spring Boot annotations? Select all that apply. *
7) Fill in the blanks. ______ and ______ can be used to secure service layer ______. Select the one that applies best. *
8) Which of these are valid controller methods? Select all that apply. *
9) In Spring Boot, if the HSQLDB jar dependencies are on the classpath, and there is no database connection bean has been manually configured, what will happen? *
10) Which of these is true regarding Spring Boot’s build outputs? *

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